Amazing Facts in english |funniest facts about the world


Let us tell you that our world, which we all say that it is round, but let us tell you that it is not only round but it is also full of many interesting facts about which many people are very much curious every moment to know about it. Today, through this post, we are going to tell you about some such Amazing and Interesting Facts in Hindi (Interesting facts in Hindi Interesting Facts) ie interesting facts from around the world which will definitely shake your mind.

Friends, we are sharing with you  Amazing facts in english   Some such Amazing Facts in english| facts about Human Nature, Brain, Animals, Birds, India which you may not have heard before.

Top 50 Amazing Facts in english

Fact 1 Women always speak an average of 20000 words every day, which is 13000 words more than the average of men, not 1000 or 2000.

Fact 2 For the first time sugar was made in India itself.

Fact 3 Honey does not spoil for thousands of years.

Fact 4 Butterflies taste something with their feet.

Fact 5 The original color of Coca Cola was green.

Fact 6 Copy and Paste was invented by Larry Tesler of America, Thanks Larry

Fact 7 It is impossible to stay awake for more than 11 days in a row.

Fact 8 The heart rate of women is higher than that of men.

 did not want to tell fact 9, but let me tell you that hockey is not the national sport of India.

Fact 10 80% of traffic on the Internet comes from search engines.

Best Interesting and amazing Facts in english

 about world

Fact 11 There are 86 billionaires living in the city of London, which is the most in any city in the world.

Fact 12 Rome is the city in the world whose population first crossed the one million mark.

Fact 13 In India only 3 out of 100 people pay Income Tax.

Fact 14 The lighter was invented before the match.

Fact 15 You will be surprised to know that ants never sleep.

In fact, India is at number three in the world in terms of making 16 world records.

Amazing facts in english

 about Animals

Fact 17 A squirrel's tooth always keeps growing.

Fact 18 The bat always turns left after coming out of the cave.

Also read: Bad Signs Of Bats

Fact 19 It is impossible for an average human being to lick his own elbow. Of those who are reading The Elbow Facts, more than 75 percent of people will try to lick their elbows.

Fact 20 The heart of a sea crab is in its head.

Amazing facts in english

 about brain

Fact 21 Our mind can make a single face bath by itself, so every face seen in dreams is seen somewhere.

Amazing facts in english

about earth

Fact 22 Due to the gravity of the earth, it is not possible for the mountains to be higher than 15,000 meters.

Fact 23 The number of bacteria present on the human body is much more than the number of animals present on the earth.

Fact 24 Any person can live for several days or weeks without eating, but without sleeping he can live only for 10-11 days.

Fact 25 Cassowary is such a bird that can tear man and animal with its claws like a knife.

Fact 26 Python is such a giant python that it swallows even a 90 kg bear.

Fact 27 A bee has to suck the taste of 40 lakh flowers to make 1 kg of honey.

Amazing facts in english 

 about fruits

Fact 28 There are 1000 varieties of mangoes produced in the world.

Fact 29 Some plants also eat meat to get nitrogen, their food is insects. Venus Fly Trap, Pitcher Plant.

Amazing facts in english 

about brain

Fact 30 Excessive tension can shut down your brain for some time.

Fact 31 The edible mushrooms grow fully in only 7 days.

Fact 32 There are so many species of apples in the world that if one apple is eaten daily, it will take 20 years to eat each type of apple.

Fact 33 Women's shirt buttons are on the left side while men's shirt buttons are on the right

Fact 34 There is so much iron in our body that 1 inch long nail can be made from it.

Amazing facts in english about Animal(Horse)

Fact 35 Horses can sleep standing, because their legs are strong.

Fact 36 The temperature of the center of the earth is equal to the temperature of the sun.

Amazing facts in english 

Fact 37 People who sleep wearing socks ie socks wake up very rarely in the night or do not wake up at all.

Fact 38 While cutting onions, tears come in our eyes due to sine-propanthyl-S-oxide, but do you know that if chewing gum is chewed while cutting onions, then tears do not come in the eyes at all.

Amazing facts in english about India

Fact39 Goldfish never close their eyes.

Fact 40 Every year in India, twice as many engineers are made in America.

Fact 41 There is no reservation for recruitment in the Indian Army.

Fact 42 On average, a man spends 14 days of his life at a traffic signal.

Fact 43 The car of Steve Jobs, who introduced the world to the iPhone, never had a number plate.

Amazing facts in hindi about Ostrich

Fact 44 Ostrich's eyes are bigger than its brain.

Fact 45 Cockroach is such an organism that can live for many days even after beheading because the brain of cockroach is in its body, in the end the reason for its death is not eating food.

Fact 46 If the Titanic, with a height of 269 meters, was erected upright, it would have been taller than every building of its time.

Fact 47 Like our fingerprints, our tongue prints are also different.

Amazing facts in english about Typewriter

Fact 48 'TYPEWRITER' is the longest word that is typed on a single line on the keyboard.

Fact 49 The heart of a lizard beats 1000 times in 1 minute.

Fact 50 Most of the serial killers in the world are born in the month of November.

You definitely will not be able to believe all the Interesting and Amazing Facts in english mentioned here, but let us tell you that this is a fact and completely true too. For more such interesting information, keep reading our article continuously and at the same time tell us by commenting     how did you like all this information about Amazing facts in english .
