Interesting Facts: Cockroaches can live for a week without a head, know 7 such secrets of science

 Science Facts In english : Science is such a subject, whose mystery remains intact even today. The more research is done on this topic, the more curiosity increases. People learn and explore this subject, to test their mind and uncover new mysteries. But sometimes we get stuck in different thoughts and thinking and we need to think something different to get our mind out of this confused state.

1. Hawaii is moving closer to Alaska by about 7.5 cm each year.
This is due to tectonic plates that are in constant motion, driven by the rising and falling currents beneath them. Hawaii remains at the center of the Pacific Plate and because of this constant movement each year, Hawaii is slowly and steadily moving back across the North American platform toward Alaska.

2. Cockroaches without a head can live for a week
Cockroaches are famous for their hard work. Their circulatory system is open, so they breathe through tiny holes located in each segment of their body, they do not rely on the mouth or head for breathing. Therefore, the cockroach can live for a week or more. Cockroach dies only because without mouth it cannot drink water and dies of thirst.

According to science, when a handful of salt is added to a glass of water, the volume of water in the glass decreases by 2%. This is because when salt is added to water, the solvent molecules in the water become more organized in the vicinity of the dissociated ion.

4 Some metals explode when they come in contact with water
It is a fact that when some metals come in contact with air, they get oxidized immediately because these metals are highly reactive. Among these metals sodium, potassium, lithium, rubidium and cesium are prominent and these metals explode when put in water. We know that all these are alkali metals and they have only one electron in their outermost shell, due to which they easily give up this electron and form bonds with other metals. Hence these metals do not exist independently in nature.
