Kutch: A village where no house has a roof: People fear making concrete roofs, know why


Dhairya Gajara, Kutch: In Kutch, the method of making tube houses is already practiced. But after the earthquake, when Kutch joined the rapid pace of development, people started building two-storied brick houses. But even today there is a village in Kutch where people do not build a roof on the hou

There are about 500 houses in Sanosara village nestled between hills on all sides. In this village, which is mostly inhabited by the people of the Maldhari community, when the Maldharis first came to settle, the adjacent temple of Momai Mataji started worshiping Mataji

According to the villagers, Mataji's grandfather took a vow that no family in the village would raid the roof of their house.  So someone says that the villagers took a vow not to build a roof on their own because out of faith in Mataji, people did not want to make their houses special with a roofed Mataji temple

Among such various reasons, the fact is that no one has built a roof on his house here since the time the village was settled till now. Not only in this village but also many people living in the surrounding villages do not make concrete roofs on their houses according to these beliefs.

Even after migrating to other towns and villages of the district for business employment, many natives of the original Sanosara village still maintain this tradition and live in a tube or paper house. According to the villagers, the families here living in many other villages, even in the new attractive method of building, have constructed the house without a solid roof in such a way that those who see it from a distance do not think that the house is made of pipes or sheets.

Among the faith towards Mataji, there is also a popular belief in this village that if someone goes against this Vyani and builds a concrete roof, he will become blind. According to the stories handed down from the elders in the village, many people went against this practice and built a concrete house, but then they lost their vision. So many of them realized their mistake and got back sight of demolishing the roof.
